Use Quick Base Pipelines to reverse geocode addresses with API (Part 2)

First lets add a condition based on Request status

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Status 200 is Success

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If Request succeeds, we'll update the Work Order

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Lets also Update Record if the request is not status 200

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We'll need to add a Failed status to our Reverse Geocode Status field

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If the request fails, we'll be able to trigger other steps

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Lets make a Pipeline Logs table, so we can monitor and trigger workflows based on these logs

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For now lets store the Web Request Status and Content

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We want to create a Pipeline Log step

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Here, we can convert the content to json object and target a specific area of the object

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The data we want is under the "results"

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Now, a quick test to see if it's narrowing results and converting to json object

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At this point, I found out Google Maps API doesn't allow you to store data...

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So I went searching for alternatives

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Options 1:

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I found this URL in the API docs

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We will put our Latitude and Longitude variables in the URL in the correct spot and add our API key

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I made a quick test to see the response...

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We need to check if 'results' is still relevant and it is... keep it

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Lets test it in Quick Base....

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The content was converted to a json object, now we can make magic happen!

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Now we can add the Reverse Geocode Address fields to the Update Record step

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The data we want is stored in "address_components"

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Inside "address_components", we can select "city", "zip", etc.

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Here is how I mapped the Geocodio response

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Lets run it and see what we get

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Note: All API keys were harmed in the making of this video... Have fun!

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