Introducing Mobilize Magazine

Something New

At GridForce, innovation is everything.  Without a doubt, it has always been at the center of our story from day one.  Embracing new concepts, products, and adventures is who we are.  Creating new solutions, solving problems, and helping people is the definition of what we are all about.  We believe that everything is possible and that the possibilities are endless.

As a values-based company, we do everything in alignment with our mission and core values.  Of course, this new project is no exception.  As a result, we’ve translated our mission and values into a brand new product that we know you’ll love!  So many things have contributed to the inspiration of this project.  However, YOU (construction workers and the construction industry) are our guiding inspiration.  Best of all, you can be involved in this product as well.  Mobilize was created to be a community for YOU.  For this reason, you have the opportunity to inspire others.

Mobilize Magazine

Finally, the wait is over.  We are thrilled to let you in on our little secret. Welcome to Mobilize Magazine, your new destination for science, technology, engineering, construction, and business.  Mobilize is on a mission to inspire and empower readers by connecting people to insights, knowledge, and each other by creating a community. Mobilize exists to support and empower the next generation of workers with knowledge and expertise to help them achieve their goals. Most importantly, it is a magazine made by the people for the people.  Share your amazing photos, tell your inspiring stories, and amplify your powerful voices to encourage others to unlock their full potential.

Exclusive Sneak Peek

Take an exclusive sneak peek inside Issue 1. We aim to deliver relevant and helpful information.  On this note, 2022 will be a year of digital transformation. Moreover, businesses will be adopting and implementing automation. As a result, digital workflow is a vital topic in this premiere issue. Additionally, you will be able to dive into industry-specific topics such as lean construction and direct labor costs. Don’t miss your chance to explore these topics and grab a magazine copy today.

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How it All Started

You’re probably asking yourself why and how did a tech company start a magazine. To answer your question, let’s start from the beginning. You’re looking at where it all started, blogging. Naturally, numbers and statistics fascinate us. Therefore, we crunched the numbers and identified the most popular posts.  At first, we visualized a design based on quick hit reads and future web apps. Subsequently, ideas evolved.  Eventually, this led to the idea of a construction tech resource booklet. In turn, it transformed into the concept of a convenient pocket-sized magazine.

Why “Mobilize”?

The story behind the name “Mobilize” began with a dictionary.  First, we brainstormed name ideas by looking at power words.  Specifically, the word “Mobilize” caught our attention. Next, we looked up the definitions in a dictionary.  It was important for the name to convey something meaningful.  Likewise, the word “Mobilize” has many meanings. Being a mobile, pocket-sized magazine, the name fits perfectly.  In addition, the word “Mobilize” communicated our mission based on definition 2: “to work together in order to achieve a particular aim; to organize a group of people to do this.” In that instant, we knew that was the name.


Ultimately, we hope you enjoy the premiere issue of Mobilize Magazine.  Thank you for reading the story behind our latest project.  Moreover, we’re grateful for your continued support on this journey.  All feedback is greatly appreciated.  So, let us know what you think about Mobilize Magazine in the comments down below.  Above all, get inspired, get connected, and get mobilized!

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